Detective agency in Japan | We’ve conducted comprehensive investigations.

読み終わるまで 31 分
This article offers valuable insight into the field of detective investigations in Japan. If you consider conducting a detective investigation in Japan from overseas and would like to gain an understanding of the types of investigations we handle, we invite you to read this article. We are delighted to share that our client survey revealed a high satisfaction rate of 93% among our clients.
Please scan the QR code below with your smartphone to contact us. We reach out directly.
What you can learn from this article
- Investigations for individuals (infidelity investigation, person search investigation, premarital investigation)
- Investigations for corporations (background checks, fraud investigation, corporate investigation)
- Survey fee
Basic information about Japan
Population:124.5 million people
Area:378,000 km²
Detective investigation in Japan
Are you having business or personal problems in Japan? Investigations in Japan from overseas are complicated, and there are a lot of hurdles such as language barriers, cultural differences, and understanding of the legal system. In that case, please contact us. We have experienced investigators who can speak various languages such as English, Korean, Arabic, Italian, and French.
Survey items for individuals
- Infidelity investigation
- Person search survey
- Premarital investigation
Surveys for corporations
- Background checks
- Fraud investigation
- Corporate research
W.A.D.(World Association of Detectives)
We are member of W.A.D.(World Association of Detectives)founded in 1925.Members of W.A.D. are comprised of detective agencies and detective associations from all around the world, contributed international criminal investigations and human search investigations.
We are also a member of CII. It stands for International Research Council, established in 1955. CII members are selected through rigorous screening, ensuring a high standard of investigative services. Detectives conduct a wide range of investigations targeting individuals, whereas CIIs primarily specialize in investigations related to companies and businesses. We conduct a wide range of business-related research on a global scale, including corporate credit research, asset research, character research, investee research, and due diligence for corporate M and A.
Infidelity investigations
We respond flexibly to cases such as an infidelity with a Japanese partner, infidelity on an expatriate who is working alone, or traveling to Japan with the cheating partner from their home country, and collect evidence. We conduct a comprehensive range of investigations, including behavioral investigations such as tailing and stakeouts, interviews, and infiltration investigations. Based on the client's information, we also have the capability to covertly film targets. We grasp all activities of the target person during their stay in Japan, such as ”when", ”where", and ”what they did" with their cheating partner.Furthermore, please leave it to us to gather information and conduct background checks on your cheating partner after returning to Japan.
Feel free to consult with us.Information required for infidelity investigations varies depending on the purpose writeen below.
- Divorce
- Relationship repair
- Consolation money
- Eliminate cheating partner
※When requesting alimony from a Japanese cheating partner, your name and address (where you currently live) must be clear.
Items revealed in cheating investigation
All survey results are summarized in a report and provided to clients. The report detail the research period, research methodology, findings, and conclusions.
- Confirming the facts of infidelity
- Gathering evidence of infidelity
- Identifying the cheating partner
- Gathering information about cheating partners
- Introduction of lawyers for free
- Supports for divorce and alimony claims
- Supports until the meeting begins
Person search surveys
This survey to identify the location and workplace of the target person living in Japan. Searching for people can be broadly divided into two categories "reunion purpose" and "problem solving". We conduct a thorough investigation using a combination of optimal methods, including interviews with relevant parties, behavioral surveys such as stakeouts and tailings, online surveys, and undercover investigations depending on the situation.
Overview of person search surveys
The amount of information clients provide has a big impact on the progress of the investigation when searching for someone. Providing as much accurate information as possible is also important for the smooth progress of the investigation. The following information help us to conduct investigations.
Name, age, date of birth, mobile number, email address, family composition, educational background (school of alma mater), passport, vehicle number, photo, physical characteristics, resident record (family), etc...
Family, lovers, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, classmates, etc...
Social relationships, lifestyle habits, friendships, daily rhythms, travel patterns, commuting routes, hobbies and preferences, etc...
Blogs, websites, SNS accounts, game account information, etc...
Premarital investigation
International marriage is one of the major decisions in life. You will be spending your life with someone who has a different culture and customs, so careful preparation is necessary. 3-4% of Japanese marry internationally. Approximately 22,000 couples marry internationally each year. Premarital research plays a important role in the preparation process.
Advantages of Premarital investigation are as follows.
- Understandable the identity and past of fiance
- Avoidable the risk of sham marriages and marriage fraud
- Preventable problems after marriage
- It can be kept as evidence
A premarital exam is an investment in making your marriage more secure.You can build a relationship of mutual trust and live a happy married life to understand each other well before getting married. A premarital exam is not inexpensive, however considering the risk of divorce, it's not a high investment.
Items often investigate for a premarital investigation
- Place of work
- Parent's address
- Family structure
- Family reputation
- Family criminal history
- Past marital history
- Target person's reputation
- Presence of opposite sex relationship
- Target person's criminal history
- Existence of family debt
- Whether or not the target person has debt, etc...
Background checks
Background checks on employees and business partners are extremely important to reduce business risks and protect company safety.
- Preventing criminal records and fraud
- Protecting corporate image
- Prevention of labor troubles
- Selection of reliable business partners
- Legal compliance
Benefits of conducting a background check
- Can prevent employee misconduct
- Potential risks can be identified in advance
- Can be useful for competitive research
- It can also be useful for competitive research
- You can choose a reliable business partner
Fraud investigation
Investigating employee and business partner fraud is extremely important in order to prevent a company's financial losses, protect business ethics, and ensure legal compliance.
- Prevent employee embezzlement and fraud
- Reduce the risk of information leakage
- Preventing bribes and kickbacks
- Preventing violations of antitrust laws
- Prevention of labor law violations
Fraud investigation items
- Embezzlement
- Bribery
- Fraudulent employment
- Investigation of business partners
- Employee survey
- Fraudulent financial transactions
- Interview survey with related parties
- Investigation of the financial situation of the target company
- Whether there are kickbacks from business partners, etc...
Corporate research
Corporate research on new business partners is extremely important to reduce business risks, achieve smooth transactions, and promote sustainable growth.
- Avoiding the risk of payment delays and non-payments
- Avoiding the risk of delivery delays and quality issues
- Avoiding the risk of illegal activities
- Building a relationship of trust
- Building long-term business relationships
Corporate survey items
- Reputation research
- Investigation of litigation history
- Management investigation
- Investigation of business partners
- Investigation of financial situation
- Survey of business details
- Investigation of company registration information etc…
Investogation cost
We have investigators who can speak English, Chinese, Korean, Italian, and French. Therefore, there is no worry about not being able to make a request due to language issues. The survey fee could be broadly divided "basic survey fee" and "survey expenses”.
- Number of investigators
- Number of target people
- Investigation difficulty level
- Types of survey
- Survey period (days, hours)
- Amount of advance information, credibility, elapsed period, etc...
- Number of investigators
- Survey period (days)
- Transportation during investigation
- Whether or not investigators are dispatched from Japan, etc.
Also, let us know your budget, then we propose the most suitable investigation plan.
Quotations are free. Please feel free to contact us.
Examples of fees for surveys
Person search survey:Basic fee $2,200.-USD(tax in)〜
Cheating investigation:Basic fee(5 hours a day)$1,100.-USD(tax in)〜
Credit check:Basic fee(1 Target)$1,300.-USD(tax in)〜
Reference rates for individual and corporate surveys
Degree of difficulty:★
$2,200.-USD(tax in)〜
Degree of difficulty:★★
$3,600.-USD(tax in)〜
Degree of difficulty:★★★
$5,000.-(tax in)〜
Degree of difficulty:★
$3,600.-USD(tax in)〜
Degree of difficulty:★★
$5,300.-USD(tax in)〜
Degree of difficulty:★★★
$10,700.-USD(tax in)〜
Other survey items
Our overseas surveys are the best in Japan. A total of 93% of clients were satisfied with the results, with the majority rating them as 'good'. This represents a high level of reliability and satisfaction. In addition to the above investigations, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to your specific needs. If you are considering a survey in Japan, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We conduct the following surveys in Japan.
- Character study
- Background investigation
- Behaviour research
- Special investigation
- Insurance fraud investigations
- Runaway and disappearance investigations
- Various trouble investigations etc…
Please scan the QR code below with your smartphone to contact us. We reach out directly.
お見積り内容には、調査期間・調査員数・調査方法・調査報告書の作成費などが含まれています。 -
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